Last night I started having hard, long contractions that were pretty painful and frequent. Thankfully, this morning they weren't quite as intense. I was able to be seen by the doctor today and the baby is doing good! I just need to slow down and take a rest for the weekend. I'm pretty much on bedrest or couchrest for the weekend. Thankfully, that's all!! I've been working out everyday for the past few weeks and who knows, that may have contributed to it. Or it may be my 25 lb little boy who I sometimes have to carry, chase around everywhere and lug in and out of the car all the time. Who knows! But, all in all, my body needs a rest! I just hope these contractions go away and stay away until November/December! I'm having my ultrasound on Thursday to see if the length of the cervix has changed, as a result of the contractions. And...we finally, finally will be able to find out the gender then too!
AND...Tomorrow, we're working on organizing our extra bedroom for the baby (or pretty much Jacob is and I'm watching) and transitioning Talmage from crib to a big boy, twin size bed. Wish us luck!!