We had another ultrasound on Wednesday, November 7, at 33 weeks and 1 day. Our little girl is still measuring 2 weeks ahead! My original due date, when we found out I was pregnant, was December 12, 2012. Then I had my first ultrasound. For some reason, she was measuring almost 2 weeks behind. This pushed my due date back to December 25, 2012. Now that she's measuring ahead by 2 weeks, it makes sense. My thought is, that she's just developing at her own rate, because the original due date matches. Although the doctors aren't officially changing my due date back, we are preparing and planning as if she's coming in early December. We are so excited for her to be here! Below are the photos of our sweet baby girl from our 4D ultrasound.
This picture shows her cute little ear! I love it!
And the bumpiness on her head is her HAIR!
Love her scrunched up face! Emma loves to mimic it.
These last two show her sweet little nose and lips...just perfect!