Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Last Day of School

Last Day as a Preschooler
May 17, 2013

Friday was Talmage's last day of Preschool and last time riding the bus. 
It was bittersweet. 
I can't believe I have a Kindergartner now!

Urgent Care

Sick Baby
May 18, 2013

On Saturday, the day before we left for our big trip to Disneyland, Ellie got sick. She had high fevers, a cough, and congestion. I didn't want to travel with a sick baby or have things worse, so we headed to Urgent Care. The doctor put her on an antibiotic, suggested some cold medicine. The next day, she slept almost all of the 6 hour car ride to California and by Monday, she was good to go have fun at Disneyland! Phew!

Waiting to see the doctor in Urgent Care

He's a Preschool Graduate!

Preschool Graduation
May 16, 2013
 Talmage graduated 2 years of preschool from Ranch Elementary. 
I'm so proud of how smart he's become and how he's grown. 
I'm just sad that my baby is growing up.
He starts Kindergarten on August 1st at Legacy Traditional Academy.

 They sang 4 songs and then walked over the bridge 
to receive their diploma, when their name was called.

 Talmage and his teacher, Ms. Jenny

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Napping in the Crib

1st Nap in Crib
April 25, 2013

I've started putting her down for naps in her crib, 
to get used to it, and she loved it!
I was worried she might wake up afraid, 
but she was smiley and happy!

Lunchtime Fun

 Cheese Crisp Beds
May 13, 2013

At lunch, the kids decided to use their imagination. 
They made beds, out of cheese crisps, for their toys.
Silly kids!

Mother's Day

Mother's Day
May 12, 2013

This Mother's Day has been my favorite so far. Earlier in the week, Jacob took me shopping to find a vacuum. I've been needing and wanting a new one for quite some time now. We found a great Shark vacuum cleaner at Costco and it has been amazing so far! On our way home from purchasing the vacuum, Jacob surprised me by taking me to the Sprint store for my new iPhone 4. It's my first smart phone and I love it! 

Mother's Day morning started off great. Jacob made me breakfast and I opened my cards. Then I received a surprise gift from Jacob and the kids. It was a crown, made from their hand prints. He then found pictures of the kids and glued them to the crown, as jewels. It is by far my favorite present. I love how thoughtful and creative it was! Here are some pictures.

And, last but not least, I received a wonderful necklace, 
for Mother's Day. I absolutely adore it!

5 months

5 Months Old
May 12, 2013

The BIG Roll-Over

The 1st Roll-Over
May 10, 2013

Ellie rolled over! Here is a picture by picture of her first roll over, 
just 2 days before turning 5 months! Yay! She finally did it! Go Ellie!

Saturday, May 25, 2013


May 2, 2013
We put Ellie in bed with Emma for a few minutes to see their reaction. They both loved it! Ellie will soon be in Emma's room , in her crib, once we can train her to sleep through the night!

Wonder Woman and Batman

April 30, 2013
Daddy found a Wonder Woman costume at Babies-R-Us and just had to get it for Emma. They love playing superheroes together so it was perfect! And she looks so cute! I love it!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Playing in the Bouncer

The Bouncer
April 29, 2013
This is Ellie's first time in the Bouncer. Now this isn't any 'ol or new bouncer. This is THE Bouncer. I believe it is the only thing that has gone through all three kids. December 2008, Santa Claus brought this bouncer to Talmage, when he was 4 months old. Then, it was passed down to Emma, and now Ellie. The kids loved hearing about how they used to play in it as well. Ellie really seemed to enjoy it. She hasn't quite grasped the idea that you can actually "bounce" but that's ok. It's just one more thing to add to her routine of playing. 
Isn't it interesting how small and little babies are, yet everything else about them is HUGE! She has sooo many large items. For instance, she has a giant swing, now a bouncer, a bumbo and a tray attachment, a high chair, a car seat, a crib, a bassinet, a vibrating chair, etc.
Here are some pictures of cute little Elle girl in THE Bouncer.
Bytheway, I believe this is the FIRST time I've ever taken a picture of Ellie without a headband. She's beautiful even without the frills.