Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Everyday Life (Just in case anyone wanted to know...)

So I thought I'd post about what we do eveyday (lately).

My day starts anywhere between 5:00am and 6:00am. Talmage decided that he likes to wake up really early! So we wake up, play, bottle, diaper change, get dressed, breakfast etc. That's Talmage's routine. After that, we take daddy to work. Once we get home, I start my workout. I've been working out 6 days a week (every now and then I skip a day) and I love it. It's definately hard but I love the feeling afterwards. And I've already lost 4 inches so I'm happy! I love the feeling of being toned and fit.

Anyways, then I try to get Talmage down for a nap. Key word = TRY. He doesn't like his naps very much lately. Then, while he's sleeping, I get ready for the day and start on school. I just started my online classes this week. I'm taking 4 whopping classes! This is the first since before Talmage so wish me luck! After Talmage's we run errands, play together, do more homework, play together, housework, etc. And hopefully he takes an afternoon nap. Then, I teach piano lesson for s few hours in the afternoon. After that, we go pick up daddy! I've been taking him and picking him up everyday because he's on Oxycodone for his kidney stones (which STILL haven't passed!).

So there you have it! A rough schedule of our everyday life! Not that you care, but just in case!


Liz Engstrom said...

everyone's dream, exercising and seeing results, congrats. And have to say good luck with the classes.
Sounds like thing are really going well for you.

Annie Lee Lewis Montgomery said...

You're amazing!

CML said...

Of course I want to know about my wifes day to day routine. Honey you are such an example to me to stick to an ideal and carry it out. I love you.

The Mckays said...

four inches!! awesome! how long have you been doing this for? i tried working out when addison is awake and it just doesn't work. she always needs my attention and if i ignore her, her crying becomes awful to hear. how do you do it while he is awake? supermom!