Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Talmage Jacob Lewis is w.a.l.k.i.n.g.!!!!!!!!!!

Yes you are reading the title correctly, Talmage is walking! Last night, I was sitting on the floor with him and he stood up, as usual (he LOVES to stand) and then he took two steps, stopped and took two more steps. His record for last night was 11 steps in a row! Daddy was on his way home from work and quickly rushed in to see his son walk. It was so exciting!!! I love being a mom! He's still crawling but taking steps in between.

Finally, just when we thought he'd never do it...he surprised us and started walking on December 14, 2009 at 15 1/2 months. Way to go Talmagey!

1 comment:

Annie Lee Lewis Montgomery said...

That's so exciting! Talk about never thinking he would do walk, Eddie is 18 months and he still isn't walking..LOL!