Thursday, December 2, 2010

38 weeks as of yesterday!

2 cm dilated

50% effaced

-2 station
Talmage was born at exactly 38 weeks but no labor for Emma yet, despite the irregular and painful Braxton Hicks. My doctor said I'm good to go anytime and can try any natural labor inducer I want to try. We are hoping for this weekend! I'm getting pretty uncomfortable now. My heartburn was so painful last night, it took forever to get to sleep and I slept with an ice pack to try and numb the pain. Hopefully she comes soon!!


{Frances} said...

Its getting close! i cant wait to see pic of her when shes born. By the way, you look so cute in your pics!

Danielle and Trenton said...

I'm so excited for you!! I'm so sorry about the heartburn! I have it so bad when I'm pregnant too, the doctor game me a prescription for zantac and helps a ton! (Now I have the feeling I've already told you that.)

Anonymous said...

You are SO CUTE Elle girl! You look so little and just have a baby bump! You are so tough! I love you Ellie! Remember to text me or have Jacob let me know when you have her so i can come visit at the hospital. Good luck!